My friend, Linder from New Hampshah, came to visit on Easter Sunday, bringing a box of art goodies for playing and sharing. We had a marvelous time trying out techniques from Vintage Collage Journals: Journaling with Antique Ephemera [Maryjo Koch] and Layered, Tattered & Stitched: A Fabric Art Workshop [Ruth Rae].
We heaped boxes and boxes of art supplies out on the studio counter and wedged inches of space for a work area. Inks from Paris, organza peppered with tiny crystals like stars, metal dyes in all hues, bits of calico, rubber stamps and stickers, paints in several mediums, old photographs, ribbons and lace … and more. The mess was heavenly.
Linder captured this lovely photo of our creative elements with a reflection through a purple vase on the window ledge. And Lucy captured 2-3 bees that invaded the studio.