Back in Texas, in my heart.
Thinking of the sandy old cemetery at the ranch where Texana Clark Fagan is buried under the old live oaks … and the historic resting place of our family patriarch, Nicholas Fagan, now on the O’Connor Ranch. Remembering the lovely resting spot in Goliad where Lucy Fagan DuBois sleeps. Making a memory stop in Corpus Christi to stand beside the bronze marker ‘neath which my adored father rests, and up to Abilene to stand beside my beloved grandmother, Sylvia Cordelia Rogers Caldwell. I wonder if there are still bluebonnets on the tiny plot in Granbury where Civil War veteran, Allison Caldwell, lies? Or Indian Paints growing scattered among the graves of Cauble kin at a little cemetery in Woodbury?
I am gathered today with my family in Texas.